Effective immediately, 50% of all “Outsider” line sales proceeds will be donated to the San Luis Obispo County Firefighters Benevolent Association • This 50% donation period will be in effect for the month of October 2017 • The CAL FIRE/San Luis Obispo County Fire Department has several close ties to victims of the recent tragedy in Las Vegas • For clarity, a 50% donation to the Benevolent Association means if an Outsider item sells for $20.00, $10.00 will be donated forward. Since all ESTERO apparel is keystone priced, there is absolutely zero profit in these items. This is the only way I feel comfortable associating and donating to help the good folks affected by this tragedy.
Love and strength,
Direct donations to the Benevolent Association may be sent to the following address:
CDF/San Luis Obispo County Firefighters Benevolent Association
P.O. Box 810
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
SLOCOFBA is a California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
FDID# 77-0305877